Anxiety... It's a condition I have suffered with for many years, which I truly believe to be caused by my caffeine addictions. Anxiety I also believe to be causing me to do some stupid things, start new projects and then discontinue them. I don't know why I bother sometimes. I really want to make a game, and then anxiety kicks in and I feel like the project won't get me anywhere.
Because of anxiety, I have a lack of self-motivation and self-confidence. Anxiety is like a starting point before full-blown mental depression occurs. Anxiety can keep us in-doors, because we fear that we may upset someone, or we fear nothing will get done; we become pessimistic about ourselves and our ability to develop ourselves as a person.
Anxiety is a mental barrier for inner progress, the ability to develop and improve on our personal skills and abilities. That is what anxiety is doing to me right now. It is causing me to fail on countless occassions, and yet I continue to drink away at the caffeine that I know is inflicting me with this condition. Caffeine is a drug with symptoms for being on it, and symptoms for withdrawing.
They say caffeine is the least harmful drug; physically speaking, yes; mentally speaking, no. Caffeine is one of those drugs that can deal serious mental damage in the long run. It makes us do stupid things, make stupid decisions and even cause us to rely on the drug to keep doing our daily activities. Caffeine is like that for me.
That is why I am getting no where with my projects... One day, I really do hope to create a game. But this requires not drinking caffeine, and slowly but surely removing it from my system. Until that day, I guess I won't be making anything or completing any projects.
Sorry everyone...
Start with something little.