StoryDev is an interactive story editor and engine which allows you to create visually-engaging interactive stories for players to read. For those of you who do not know, here is a list of features you can expect from the engine:
Write Passages with Markdown-style formatting to present rich text.
Write code in Passages and Game Events to add game mechanics to your passages.
Use the Haxe Math class to execute complex algorithms.
Customise the look of font colours, sizes and format of links and raw text.
Transition the size and location of the Passage and Character Images.
Display Character and Background images.
Play sound files on multiple channels
Use JSON to get creative and make complex data such as enemies, RPG-style combat and even a custom modification on top of this engine.
And here are the features you can expect from the editor:
Write Passages and Game Events in an organised manner.
Using the Fast Colored Text Box library, you can write code for your game with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
Test your Game easily (currently there is only one target: Flash). We will support native platforms later when OpenFL is more developed.
Process Rich Text or Code so that paragraphs, speech marks and the likes are translated into one line compatible for strings in code.
Patch Notes 1.0.2
- Fixed a bug causing an item to crash the application when clicked twice.
- Fixed parsing of strings in the exported JSON (use single quotes for coding strings, and double quotes for JSON within single quotes).
- Fixed the delete function.
- Added a message for successfully saving and loading projects.
Patch Notes 1.0.3
- Revamped Game Events; the callEvent(); function can no longer be used with links to fix a problem with the same function outside of links.
You can download the latest version here (ZIP file).